Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong & Macao

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong & Macao is a non-profit organization incorporated in March of 1997. Its roots are in the Italian Business Association, established in 1993 with the aim of promoting business exchanges between Hong Kong, Macao and Italy and at the same time establishing a common platform for the Italian business community based in Hong Kong and its local members.

In March of 1999 the Italian Chamber of Commerce received official recognition from the Italian Government. Since then, the ICC has grown into a substantial organization which, in partnership with the Italian Consulate General and the Italian Trade Commission, provides support to its Members, both Italian and local.

One of the Chamber’s policies is to continuously add value to our Members. We are constantly seeking new members and business contacts who are interested in developing commercial relations with Italy, Hong Kong and Macao. Our member companies will be able to benefit from the opportunities and services offered by the Chamber while at the same time they can enrich the Chamber with their expertise and business possibilities.

Contact us

2025 AGM and Election of the Executive Committee

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao is pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting and Election of the Executive Committee on MondayMarch 24, at Intesa Sanpaolo Hong Kong Branch, from 5:30 pm to 7 pm.

During this event, President Davide De Rosa and General Manager Caterina Bernardini de Pace are going to present to the public the results achieved in 2024 and initiatives for 2025 by the Chamber. This event is open to all the members of the chamber and it represents an excellent opportunity for you to meet and connect with other ICC Members. 

The new Executive Committee will be announced at the end of the voting session.

Please note that in order to promote sustainability and conscious paper consumption, starting this year the voting process will be conducted exclusively through digital means but we hope to see you in person.

Only members with voting rights will receive the relevant link.


  • Approval of the meeting agenda.
  • Approval of the minutes from the last annual general meeting.
  • Opening address by the Consul General of Italy.
  • Report from the President of the Chamber for the year 2024-2025.
  • Report from the Treasurer of the Chamber for the year 2024-2025.
  • Reports from the Executive Committee and auditors, including the audited accounts for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024.
  • Reappointment of the Chamber's auditors until the next annual general meeting.
  • Approval of the Chamber's activities for the year 2025.
  • Election of officers for the years 2025 and 2026.
  • Discussion of any other business related to the Chamber.

We hope you can join us for this important event, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Limited seats are available. RSVP here.

Kindly note the following:

  • Cancellations must be provided in writing to: 72 hours (3 days) before the event.
  • By attending this event, you agree to be photographed, recorded, and/or filmed.
  • All events will be rescheduled or canceled if there is a Typhoon 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Signal.

For further information, please email



Member PriceComplimentary



Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Hong Kong Branch
Level 81, International Commerce Centre (ICC), 1 Austin Rd W, West Kowloon
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China)

See route