
A new reform, named after the Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transports, Mr Delrio, is going to give a new connotation to the Italian port system, for the relaunch of its portuality and logistics. The Delrio reform is part of a national strategic plan designed to boost development to the economy and to foreign trade through modernization of transport, logistics and services. An important part of this plan is the recently approved “South Decree”, in which a specific Article establishes the creation of Special Economic Zones in Southern Italy. Two of these, in Campania and Calabria, have been promptly approved by the respective regional governments and will begin to operate in the short term, while others will follow.

The International Propeller Clubs of Italy has taken the opportunity of the Hong Kong Maritime Week to organize a large delegation, including major players of the Italian maritime and logistics sector, to present the Italian port system, the new laws that will regulate its reorganization and the emergence of new Special Economic Zones, the goals that the Italian port system aims to achieve and the opportunities for Hong Kong companies to take advantage of the reforms and the new Italian Special Economic Zones.


  • AB

    Alberto Banchero

    Member and Presedent at Board National Federation Maritime Agents & Brokers Italy and Pres. Genoa Association Maritime Agents

  • AD

    Antonello De Riu

    Consul General at Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong

  • RF

    Riccardo Fuochi

    Vice President at The International Propeller Clubs & President Italy โ€“ Hong Kong Business Association

  • UM

    Umberto Masucci

    National President at The International Propeller Clubs

  • AP

    Alessandro Pitto

    President at Genoa Association Freight Forwarders

  • SP

    Sergio Prete

    President at Port of Authority Taranto

  • PS

    Paolo Emilio Signorini

    President at Port Authority Genoa & Savona

  • PS

    Pietro Spirito

    President at Port of Authority Naples & Salerno


Single Seat

(Including a four-course-menu)

Standard Price HKD 250
Table Sponsor (12 pax)

(Including four-course menu for up to 12 pax and company logo visibility, 7 pax from the Sponsor's company and 5 pax from the Italian delegation)

Standard Price HKD 7,200
Table Sponsor (10 pax)

(Including four-course menu for up to 10 pax and company logo visibility, 5 pax from the Sponsor's company and 5 pax from the Italian delegation)

Standard Price HKD 6,000